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Posts Tagged ‘demotivation posters’

Cat scans and mesothelioma commercials

July 28th, 2009 06:51pm by flipvine

thoughtful-catDamnit, we missed caturday again last weekend.  Oh well, in any case, you can consider this your caturday mid-week fill-up.  Here are some links to previous caturdays:

Cat-urday on Sunday – 12 lolcats for you to enjoy
Those Crazy Cats are at it Again – 16 cattacular pics
Its Time for a Motivational Lol-Cat-Urday

In any case, onto the subject of the day.  I’ve been seeing an increase in the number of mesothelioma (cancer caused by exposure to asbestos) commercials recently. Don’t know why, but I figured I’d just randomly see if cats can get mesothelioma as well.  Apparently, feline mesothelioma does indeed happen, and it usually means trouble for the cat’s owner because they were probably exposed as well.  To make light of an otherwise sad subject, here are some Cat Scan pictures for you…


Popularity: 6%

Sports really hurt sometimes – 13 pictures to prove it

July 21st, 2009 08:44pm by flipvine

3095be402f0dToday, we examine a few of the hazards that sports players encounter, sometimes on a daily basis. Sometimes its just not your day and you get the nuts knocked out of you by a stray ball of some sort. Sometimes you’ve victim to players pumped on steroids. Sometimes a wookie throws you a curve-ball – I mean, just so many things can go wrong! Check it out:


Popularity: 2%


July 16th, 2009 08:25pm by sinkpock
Proper application of an excessive amount of torque

Proper application of an excessive amount of torque


Popularity: 16%


Bible Warnings and Bible Spoilers

July 16th, 2009 12:08pm by flipvine

Yesterday we touched on the very important subject of updating some of our most popular literature to be current with the time. Lets just say if I was being cross-examined by senators for the job of being a supreme court justice, I would most certainly mention the LOLCat Bible Translation project at least three times.. per day of questioning.. before and after lunch.  Anyways, lets get back to the subject at hand – The Holy *@#$^@! (shit, sorry, sorry, my tea kettle just scared the crap out of me with its whistle) Bible.  Ahem, where was I .. oh yes.. so the Bible I think requires some decent warnings, maybe a NSFW label, or an NC-17 film rating (Mel, how’d you get away with an R rating for your snuff flick, shieeet), or at least an M or A ESRB rating if it was made into a game.  So without further ado..


Heh, I wish warning labels were as common on bibles as they are on cigarette packs


Popularity: 3%

Public transit – theres a wrong way and a right way

July 16th, 2009 02:33am by flipvine


I love it when webcomics work well with demotivational posters I make that same day.

Popularity: 4%