For those of you who enjoy a good chuckle, here’s a collection of cat pictures (sorry, we forgot to celebrate caturday this saturday, but we’re sure this collection of pics will more than make up for it:

Sometimes life just isn't fair

Cats don't grow on trees.. they grow in pots

I kill uuuuu

You know what they say about cat drivers, right?


Zen cat does not chase mice

Jesus cat can walk on water

Yet so far away

Space cats - or is it astrocats - or maybe catsmonauts?
And finally, we give you this epic animated kung-fu blockbuster: Cat vs. Rooster
Popularity: 2%
Tags: Cats, caturday, demotivation posters, lolcats, rooster
[...] on Sunday – 12 lolcats for you to enjoy Those Crazy Cats are at it Again – 16 cattacular pics Its Time for a Motivational [...]