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Posts Tagged ‘demotivation posters’

Holy shit, we’re out of toilet paper!

July 16th, 2009 01:41am by flipvine

No, I didn’t make this demotivational poster myself.  But I wish I did! You really gotta love the super subtle ones, the ones that somebody put oh-so-much-thought into.  Damn, this makes me proud to be… umm… re-publishing their published works? Yes, yes, thats it.  In any case, enjoy.  And thank you Mr. (or perhaps Mrs.) Observant Demotivation Poster Creator, we applaud you!


Popularity: 35%

From a Distance

July 14th, 2009 05:39pm by flipvine


Mr. Pedobear is also featured in our When Animals Attack post from a little while back :-D Enjoy!

Popularity: 60%

Om nom nom nom

July 14th, 2009 01:38am by flipvine


Ok folks, we’ll start with an innocent enough picture.  Just to introduce you to the Om nom nom nom concept if you haven’t seen it before.  I warn you, the rest of the posters, and especially the last animated gif may be quite NSFW.  In fact, let me just tell you outright – if you’re at work, don’t even try to look at the bottom of the post, it is NSFWAA – Not Safe For Work At All.


Popularity: 4%

Flexibility – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

July 13th, 2009 09:42pm by flipvine

Lets face it, there’s good flexibility and bad flexibility.  To examine the virtues of each, we’ve decided to prepare a case study.  Let us know if you learn anything lol ;)



Popularity: 13%


July 13th, 2009 09:08pm by flipvine
When the going gets tough, professionals go around the problem

When the going gets tough, professionals go around the problem


Popularity: 2%