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Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Almost-nude airline crew

July 2nd, 2009 12:16pm by stultzie

“Air New Zealand has hit on a novel way to make sure even the most jaded flyers keep their eyes glued on its flight safety briefing.”

“The national carrier’s safety video for domestic services on its Boeing Co 737 planes show pilot and cabin crew dressed only in body paint.

Popularity: 3%


Grandpa said knock you out!

July 1st, 2009 04:05pm by stultzie

0,,6697308,00Meet Gregory McCalium.

This 23 year old got dropped by 71 year old Frank Corti of Oxford, UK, after breaking into his home.

“Mr Corti said he was woken in the middle of the night by noises in his house and was confronted by the knife-wielding McCalium when he went to investigate. He said McCalium “took a slash” at him, but Mr Corti ducked and threw two big right hooks at the lout.”

Corti proceeded to preform a citizens arrest while he waited for police to arrive, and McCalium was then sentenced to four and a half years in jail. I can only imagine what his cell mates are going  to do to him upon hearing he was manhandled by a granddaddy.

You, sir, have failed!


on a completely unrelated note, check out THE TALE OF THE CRACK FOX.
I just stumbled upon it and it made me EL OH EL


Popularity: 5%


July 1st, 2009 12:44am by groggrog


Popularity: 1%


rare blooming of dutch ‘penis plant’

June 27th, 2009 10:31pm by stultzie

“A giant plant which is named for its phallic shape and smells like a rotting corpse has begun to bloom in the Netherlands for the first time since it was planted 11 years ago”

“[The plant] will produce a burgundy red blossom with a giant phallic shape jutting out of it and a pungent fragrance designed to attract beetles to aid pollination”

11 years ago? Goddamn!

…and when have you ever heard the odor of a ‘rotting corpse’ described as a ‘pungent fragrance’? Oh, the Dutch.

In case you’re wondering what this penis plant looks like, as I was, here are some pictures that I found on good ol google image:


(please note the size of the man in comparison to the size of the plant)


…and here it is fully errect.

Or ‘in bloom’, in a more technical sense.

Popularity: 3%


hooray for sweedish boobies!

June 26th, 2009 06:57pm by stultzie


“We don’t define what bathing suits men should wear so it doesn’t make much sense to do it for women. And besides, it’s not unusual for men to have large breasts that resemble women’s breasts,” he said.

I swear I’ve been arguing that point for years.

I’m, not so secretly, jealous that Sweedish boobies have the right to decide; the right to decide against tan lines! I wish I could enjoy such a freedom.

Popularity: 1%