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Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

The Wingman (we’re bringing back the Wingman Song too)

July 30th, 2009 08:43pm by flipvine

In response to sinkpock’s excellent Total Babe post I submit to you – The Wingman, because for every Total Babe, as sinkpock demonstrated, there is an incredibly ugly friend that needs to be distracted.



Popularity: unranked

When the going gets tough, the dogs get going

July 29th, 2009 11:46pm by flipvine

Dogs pee – nothing special here. But every once in a while they get creative and this ladies and gentlemen, borders on .. art? For instance, take a look at Chester, the incredible peeing dog. I’m quite sure the dog’s trying to write something, but I’m no expert in graffiti, so I can’t quite make it out:


Popularity: unranked

Do Buildings Dream of Brick-Shaped-Sheep? (this video will blow your mind)

July 29th, 2009 03:28pm by flipvine

electric_sheepPhilip K. Dick wrote a book called Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (the movie Blade Runner is based on it in fact). Well, here’s an answer to the same question with regards to buildings:

“How it would be, if a house was dreaming”

The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture – the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The Basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers “Galerie der Gegenwart”. Resultant permeabilty of the solid facade uncovers different interpretations of conception, geometry and aesthetics expressed through graphics and movement. A situation of reflexivity evolves – describing the constitution and spacious perception of this location by means of the building itself.

Honestly, if I didn’t know what was going on and all of a sudden a building facade came to life like that in front of me, I would probably be shitting bricks (pun.. umm.. intended I guess?).  In any case, watch and enjoy, this is probably one of the few educational and non-junky posts you’re gonna see here on flipvine, but they do happen ;)

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

Popularity: unranked


Cats Getting High

July 28th, 2009 02:15pm by popzikle

war on drugs

Popularity: unranked

Playing Operation at Home

July 27th, 2009 02:34pm by flipvine

operation_game1.jpegToday we bring you perhaps one of the most NSFW and specifically Not Safe For Your Lunch at Work video – EVER. We’re talking cutting open a cyst – with a scalpel after some beer anesthesia.  Here’s the technical definition:

A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.

In this particular case, it looks like it had to be removed through amateur surgery lmao.

The whole thing reminded me a little bit of kids playing Operation.  “Broken heart? Of Course! .. bzzzzzzttt .. Operation!”

Although I suppose in this case, it’ll be more like “Puss-and-cottage-cheese-filled-cyst? Of Course! … bzzzzzzzztttt .. (girl throwing up in background sound effects) .. Yuk yuk yuk.. Opera.. (girl throwing up again) .. tion.”  Anyways, I’ll stop building it up more, don’t say I didn’t warn you:

Popularity: unranked