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Sports really hurt sometimes – 13 pictures to prove it

July 21st, 2009 08:44pm by flipvine

3095be402f0dToday, we examine a few of the hazards that sports players encounter, sometimes on a daily basis. Sometimes its just not your day and you get the nuts knocked out of you by a stray ball of some sort. Sometimes you’ve victim to players pumped on steroids. Sometimes a wookie throws you a curve-ball – I mean, just so many things can go wrong! Check it out:


Popularity: 2%

Full Throttle Drag Racing in a back alley

July 21st, 2009 04:57pm by flipvine
I sure hope there was no casualties after this race ;)

I sure hope there was no casualties after this race ;)

Popularity: 1%

The Coldest Street Intersection in the World

July 21st, 2009 02:45pm by flipvine

There’s lots of intersections with history.  There’s lots of street signs that  have a lot of meaning.  But this one, by far, takes the blue ribbon (and is probably frequently reached by drinking lots of Pabst Blue Ribbon) in the contest for .. well .. unbelievable street signs.  Anyways, next time one of my friends says “what should I do with my girl?”, I’ll send them here:


Popularity: 1%

Cat-urday on Sunday – 12 lolcats for you to enjoy

July 19th, 2009 09:30pm by flipvine

Yes, yes, for the second week in a row due to “the man” sticking it to me and making me work through the weekend, Caturday has had to be moved to Sunday. (actually last week I think it was on Monday.. yikes).  In any case, here are links to the two previous caturdays we’ve hosted, in case you need to go back and reminisce.

Those crazy cats are at it again.
The first motivational cat-urday.

And now for this week’s Caturday mayhem:

Those yummy yummy kittehs

Those yummy yummy kittehs


Popularity: 2%

The Rack Trap – your purse will thank you

July 19th, 2009 04:26pm by flipvine

racktrapWhaaaat? Thats right, if you’re a guy, you may not have to carry as much of your girlfriend’s junk around in your pockets when she decides not to bring a purse.  And if you’re a girl, you might not .. well.. have to jam as much junk in your purse as you usually do.  Basically its a little padded pocket that a woman (or a cross-dressing man I suppose) puts in the cozy little spot between the bra and the breast.  Depending on bra size I guess you could fit anything from a drivers license and some cash to all the store credit cards and coupons some women seem to store in their wallets.

I would think this would cause some weird-looking bra-lines and questions like “Is that a rack trap in your bra, or are you just happy to see me?”  But I suppose that’s not as weird as having muggers tell you to take empty your bra when you’re getting held up.


Popularity: 4%