- If internet explorer was a type of food, it would be dogshit. #
Popularity: unranked
Popularity: unranked
Damnit, we missed caturday again last weekend. Oh well, in any case, you can consider this your caturday mid-week fill-up. Here are some links to previous caturdays:
Cat-urday on Sunday – 12 lolcats for you to enjoy
Those Crazy Cats are at it Again – 16 cattacular pics
Its Time for a Motivational Lol-Cat-Urday
In any case, onto the subject of the day. I’ve been seeing an increase in the number of mesothelioma (cancer caused by exposure to asbestos) commercials recently. Don’t know why, but I figured I’d just randomly see if cats can get mesothelioma as well. Apparently, feline mesothelioma does indeed happen, and it usually means trouble for the cat’s owner because they were probably exposed as well. To make light of an otherwise sad subject, here are some Cat Scan pictures for you…
Popularity: 6%
Today we bring you perhaps one of the most NSFW and specifically Not Safe For Your Lunch at Work video – EVER. We’re talking cutting open a cyst – with a scalpel after some beer anesthesia. Here’s the technical definition:
A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.
In this particular case, it looks like it had to be removed through amateur surgery lmao.
The whole thing reminded me a little bit of kids playing Operation. “Broken heart? Of Course! .. bzzzzzzttt .. Operation!”
Although I suppose in this case, it’ll be more like “Puss-and-cottage-cheese-filled-cyst? Of Course! … bzzzzzzzztttt .. (girl throwing up in background sound effects) .. Yuk yuk yuk.. Opera.. (girl throwing up again) .. tion.” Anyways, I’ll stop building it up more, don’t say I didn’t warn you:
Popularity: unranked
The Mainichi Daily News reports that:
Photojournalist Hideaki Takamatsu has published a photo book of homeless people in Japan, in hopes of breaking down stereotypes and prejudices.
Titled “Street People” and released by Taro Jiro Co., the photo collection portrays the homeless just as they are — in their regular outfits and settlements. Readers of the volume will not see the homeless as pathetic, but as rather fashionable.
I don’t know what the homeless are like in Japan – clearly for some reason its quite a different situation for them over there than for the homeless in New York City for instance. “Rather fashionable?” That’s like “sorry you lost your home, but at least you still have all those clothes sitting around in the box you live in.” … “Oh, and when I come to shoot photos of you, could you make sure to take your time getting ready and making yourself fashionable and such – I mean, you don’t have a job to go to, so lots of free time!” The whole premise stinks like a hypocritical joke of a photo book, but I’m not homeless, so what do I know.
Among the 85 subjects pictured in the photo collection are street people who pose like models, with a hand on one hip or casting a sidelong glance. “I tried to get the most out of each person’s appeal,” he says.
Wonderful, I guess making light of the situation and making the homeless pose like models is sure to meet his end goal, and I kid you not, this is an actual quote out of the article which I take to mean this photographer actually said it:
“I wanted to make a photo book that can attract young women,” says Takamatsu.
Ok, I get it now.. this guy just wanted to get some play, so he took pictures of homeless people for 15 years and published a book with 85 selected photos of them. He says he considers the homeless his good friends now.
I certainly hope he’ll give copies of this coffee table photo book to his homeless friends. So they can put it on their imaginary coffee tables and look at it while reminiscing about the nice photographer that came and asked them permission to take their pictures. Heck, maybe one of them is a young woman who’ll be attracted by the book so this photo dude can get laid.
Bizzare, that’s all I can say.
Popularity: unranked
To answer the question “how do you get 5 pretty much naked dudes into a swimming pool?” we have a Discovery-channel-worthy video for you – “Diving for Crack”. The specifics (such as counting in the proper cracked-out order 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 5 .. 6 .. 8 ) and the brilliant ending line “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.. over and out” – you’ll have to see for yourself. Enjoy – oh, and this is probably not safe for work by the way, unless your boss doesn’t mind you watching movies about crack lol.
Popularity: 2%