- If internet explorer was a type of food, it would be dogshit. #
Popularity: unranked
Popularity: unranked
Damnit, we missed caturday again last weekend. Oh well, in any case, you can consider this your caturday mid-week fill-up. Here are some links to previous caturdays:
Cat-urday on Sunday – 12 lolcats for you to enjoy
Those Crazy Cats are at it Again – 16 cattacular pics
Its Time for a Motivational Lol-Cat-Urday
In any case, onto the subject of the day. I’ve been seeing an increase in the number of mesothelioma (cancer caused by exposure to asbestos) commercials recently. Don’t know why, but I figured I’d just randomly see if cats can get mesothelioma as well. Apparently, feline mesothelioma does indeed happen, and it usually means trouble for the cat’s owner because they were probably exposed as well. To make light of an otherwise sad subject, here are some Cat Scan pictures for you…
Popularity: 6%
Name em all and you win a doughnut!
Random Cartoon Characters of all time. Including Dastardly D***!
Popularity: unranked
Today we bring you perhaps one of the most NSFW and specifically Not Safe For Your Lunch at Work video – EVER. We’re talking cutting open a cyst – with a scalpel after some beer anesthesia. Here’s the technical definition:
A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.
In this particular case, it looks like it had to be removed through amateur surgery lmao.
The whole thing reminded me a little bit of kids playing Operation. “Broken heart? Of Course! .. bzzzzzzttt .. Operation!”
Although I suppose in this case, it’ll be more like “Puss-and-cottage-cheese-filled-cyst? Of Course! … bzzzzzzzztttt .. (girl throwing up in background sound effects) .. Yuk yuk yuk.. Opera.. (girl throwing up again) .. tion.” Anyways, I’ll stop building it up more, don’t say I didn’t warn you:
Popularity: unranked