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Archive for July, 2009

Sea lion hijacks patrol boat

July 3rd, 2009 02:02pm by stultzie


After reports the animal had tried to attack a local boy, the police enticed it onto their boat and headed out into the bay to try and drop it off.

On their way out the boat’s lights flashed, the emergency pump and other equipment began turning on and off and the boat lurched from side to side.

The curious deputies left the boat’s bridge to check it out and found the sea lion sitting in the foul-weather steering station below and randomly flicking switches.

I wasn’t aware that sea lions attack small children. I always thought of them as calm and friendly creatures. Shows how much I know, apparently. I cant say I knew they could drive boats either though, so perhaps this lion was a special case.

I now have an image I’d like to share because it’s funny and well, I’d like to share it!

That, and I doubt ill ever have a more appropriate transition into doing so…



his fucking FACE

Popularity: 2%

Wind Beneath My Wings

July 3rd, 2009 01:20pm by sinkpock
Aerodynamic Vagina Drag

Aerodynamic Vagina Drag

Popularity: 2%

Chocolate P(arty|enis) Hats

July 2nd, 2009 10:53pm by flipvine
Cowboy, Viking and Tophat respectively

Cowboy, Viking and Tophat respectively

As part of my research for the McGangBang post, I came across some coverage of the topic on Chocolate Party Hats’ blog that says its more appropriate to call it a McThreeSome. So, intrigued by the name of the site, I read the guy’s post – here’s a quote:

I love food…oh really Dick? You invented that goddamn chocolate DickHat for cripes sake! Yeah, but I really wish I had invented the McGangBang.

So, I proceeded to investigate.  Apparently, Chocolate Party Hats (I suppose Chocolate Penis Hats are harder to get search engine hits for, although you also have – eh) .. where was I, oh yeah .. Chocolate Party Hats are basically little hats (you can’t specify a size when placing an order on the site, so I assume this is some sort of one-size-fits-all deal) that you put on your dick before the lady (and we know all girls love chocolate .. I guess that’s the thinking behind this?) eats it.

Here’s another quote from the Chocolate Penis .. err.. Party Hats site:

Add excitement and flavor to your next bedroom adventure!

Looking to spice things up a bit with your lover? Since February 2008 well over 1000 people have topped their members with a flavored fashion statement that is made of the Lamborghini of chocolates called Callebaut. It is the smoothest sweet dark imported Belgian chocolate you or your lover will ever put in their mouth! Go ahead and try one or two of our fashionably hilarious styles today.


Popularity: 24%

Only Popzikle Would Get This…

July 2nd, 2009 10:03pm by groggrog
Mab Unplugged, but boy would I like to

Mab Unplugged, but boy would I like to

Popularity: 1%


Almost-nude airline crew

July 2nd, 2009 12:16pm by stultzie

“Air New Zealand has hit on a novel way to make sure even the most jaded flyers keep their eyes glued on its flight safety briefing.”

“The national carrier’s safety video for domestic services on its Boeing Co 737 planes show pilot and cabin crew dressed only in body paint.

Popularity: 3%