You had me at ding-dong!
This was news to me, but apparently pornography isn’t allowed in India. Additionally, the word for MILF in india is Bhabhi! How do I know this? Well, I went to India and tried to pick up some hot married women at a little neighborhood bar. After 5 failed attempts and 8 bottles of Kingfisher, I was clued in by some locals that I should be asking for a Bhabhi! No, I’m kidding, I’ve never been to India. Actually, a faithful reader of flipvine, who shall remain anonymous (hi Jess! thanks for sending this in), emailed in a link to an article entitled “India’s first porn start dead?“ This of course sounded incredibly ordinary (I’m thinking old chick w/ super saggy tits who was a porn star in India in lets say the 50s or something, dies of natural causes, etc, etc..). After giving it a read-over, a couple of interesting facts emerged:
Thanks to an anonymous group of computer geeks, India’s first international internet porn star is fast becoming this conservative country’s answer to Wonder Woman — and Monica Lewinsky.
But here’s the trick: The steamy web seductress is a cartoon.
So I’m thinking Hentai-style anime/manga kinda thing. But no, ladies end gentlemen, this is a cultural phenomenon.
Though pornography is illegal in India, Savita Bhabhi’s sexual misadventures, published on savitabhabhi.com with scripts based on fantasies submitted by fans, have attracted a huge following, according to one of the strip’s anonymous creators, who goes by the screen name Deshmukh.
So this is pretty much properly produced erotic fan-fiction. Excellent. Then it gets better – the name has meaning! Its basically “hot Sister-in-Law” or, as clarified in the article – “MILF”.
Dr. Prakash Kothari, an eminent Bombay sexologist, explains. “Bhabhi means sister-in-law, or brother’s wife. Most men are quite intimate with and take advice from their bhabhi. It’s someone who’s there to advise you, to help you, to make fun of you, to crack jokes, whom you can ask any intimate questions.”
“[A] bhabhi is the Indian version of a MILF,” explained Deshmukh, who came up with the idea for the comic while boozing it up with fellow Indian exiles in the U.S. “Though in literal terms it means your “brother’s wife” — that is not the meaning here. For an Indian youngster his first fantasy is normally the newly married hot woman in the neighborhood who is referred to as a hot Bhabhi. Hence it seemed only natural that our hot heroine whom the entire neighborhood lusts after be called Savita Bhabhi.”
Crazy cultural difference. Apparently the first fantasy for an Indian youngters is the MILF-next-door. What, the kid-same-age-as-you-next-door isn’t good enough anymore? Weird.. Also, brother’s wife? Damn, Indian sexual subculture seems to be even deeper and darker than Japanese sexual weirdness. Rock on India!
Oh, and yeah, here’s another article on India mourning the loss of Savita Bhabhi. Choicest of quotes:
Before getting banned, Savita lived in a humble Indian middle class home, prepared breakfast for her husband before he left for work every morning, and waited dutifully for him to return. She was addressed as ‘bhabhi‘ the Indian shorthand for an elder sister-in-law.
But unlike conventional bhabhis, Savita used the time in-between to explore her sexuality. Distant cousins, bra salesmen, old flames, teenage neighbours – her ravenous appetite spared few. And during the recession when she had to find work, she even had a menage a trios with her boss and a female co-worker!
Umm.. bra salesmen – we’re talking door-to-door bra salesmen. I want that job – “ma’am, would you like me to help you try that on?” Distant cousins – not so much, I’m starting to think India is kinda like a whole West Virginia subcontinent.
Rock on, India, rock on.. and damn, pornography is illegal.. what a bummer
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