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Dead Fish Bitch

July 11th, 2009 07:00am by stultzie

www.reuters.comWannabe Latin lovers can improve their technique by playing with the erogenous zones of naked mannequins at a new interactive exhibition that has now opened in Berlin.

The “Amora sex academy” that opened in Berlin on Thursday welcomes visitors with the wry slogan, “Finally — an exhibition for those who always have to touch everything.”

The show features several life-sized plastic models, naked and in various positions. One female mannequin lights up when touched in the right spot. A voice shrieks “That’s it!” when the visitor manages to put his finger on the elusive G-spot.

Practice makes perfect, no?

…even when it is stiff, cold and unresponsive, apparently.

They claim the mannequins speak when one hits the ‘right spot’, though, so perhaps they are responsive (sadly more so than some females).


Don’t let plastic outdo you!

If there is one thing I’ve taken from this article, it’s that the ladies need to assert themselves! Talking mannequins are a step away from A.I. sex partners, and if they were to come into development whose fault would that be? Every dead fish bitch out there that makes their partner have to guess. Sorry!  Just saying. And no I don’t mean fake it! Be constructive…be honest! Think about it though…they don’t have scrotums that reward you for superior juggling. Only women cluing in, otherwise lost and confused, men! Seriously though…models of women with fabricated  talking g spots?


What, oh what, has the sex world come to?

andddddddd btw

if you’re offended…

you’re obviously a dead fish bitch!

check yo’self…

because you’re the problem!

(and you’re the kind of girl I would push out of bed)

((unlike Megan Fox…or Lucy Lawless, who are obviously A+)


not a mannequin part 1…xena11ew2

not a mannequin part 2…



yi yi yi


I rest my case.

Popularity: 26%

One Response to “Dead Fish Bitch”

  1. Deraj says:

    mm i right clicked, saved as’d that meg fox pic 2 days ago mmm…

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