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Archive for June, 2009

Excellent Political Joke

June 11th, 2009 03:23pm by flipvine

Can’t take credit for this one, if you’re the kind of Playboy reader I am, the first place you look is the centerfold and then immediate after that you read through the Party Jokes page.  Well, I’d say every couple issues there’s a gem of a joke – a diamond in the rough – that’s worth serious commemoration.  This is one of those jokes:

us-white-house-fenceThree contractors were bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. The first contractor said, “I figure the job will run about $900 – $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

The second contractor announced, “I can do this job for $700 – $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

The third contractor leaned over to the White House official and whispered, “$2700.”

The incredulous White House official asked him, “How did you come up with such a high figure?”

The contractor smiled and said, “$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the second guy to fix the fence.”

And if you really must know, it was in the April 2009 issue of Playboy. :-D

Popularity: 4%

Unfortunate name of the day

June 11th, 2009 02:29pm by flipvine

Lets have it for! Confused? If you are, then get you mind in the gutter as soon as you can.  That URL is like an excellent M.C. Escher painting – NYCanal or NYcanal?  Enough said.

[poll id="2"]

Popularity: 1%

Learn English commercials

June 11th, 2009 02:20pm by flipvine

Here’s a funny “Learn English” commercial I got sent today:

And here’s one from several years ago:

You tell me, which one is more convincing?  And I’m not talking funny here, I’m asking a serious question here – which one makes you want to Learn English more? I don’t think the state of making funny commercials about learning English which only English speaking folks actually understand has advanced as much as it should’ve.

Popularity: 1%

Grossest Amsterdam Story

June 10th, 2009 10:08pm by flipvine

450px-flag_of_amsterdam1Let me introduce this one with the following words of wisdom.  If you title a story “MY grossest Amsterdam story”, and then add the following disclaimer to the first paragraph (like Mr. Worm Miller did) – then your name is probably Steve and indeed you are probably the character the story is about.

I’m gonna warn you up front, this story is a bit gross. The star of this story isn’t me; it’s a friend of mine. I’ll call him Steve. So a group of us were in Amsterdam, doing all the standard things people do there – hitting the “coffee shops,” the Van Gogh museum, and ultimately a sex show.

I mean common, lets face it, if you’re going to ask something bizzare from your doctor or friend or parent or whatever – you’re going to say a friend named Steve did it.  If you’re going to buy something absurdly weird at a store, you’re gonna say .. thats right .. you’re buying it for your friend who’s name happens to be Steve.

So without further ado, here’s “My Grossest Amsterdam Story” .. or as it should properly be titled “Steve’s Grossest Amsterdamn Story”.  It reminds me of the kind of stories Chuck Palahniuk writes (author of Fight Club), and his grossest story – “Guts”. Except I betcha if Chuck wrote “Guts” about himself, he’d have the balls to admit that its about him.

If you’re read this far into this blog post, I admire your perseverance.  As a side note, that flag at the top is the official flag of the city of Amsterdam.  Yes, it does have XXX on it.  And no, its not because everything in the city is pornographic.  Here’s the full story about the flag and its significance:

The official city motto is Valor, Resolution, and Mercy. The three X’s, saltires (St. Andrew’s crosses), are taken to represent these even though the X’s are older than the motto. A popular tradition also links the X’s to the three threats to the city: Water, Fire and Pestilence.

Thought I’d throw that in so you actually learn something. ;)

Popularity: 1%

Kittens in Cups!

June 10th, 2009 08:18pm by flipvine

If you attempt this yourself, I highly recommend having your morning coffee first, you don’t want to know what kittens taste like if they’re the first thing you drink in the morning. ;)


Popularity: 1%