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Archive for June, 2009


If I can’t abuse my bartender my wife will have to do

June 21st, 2009 03:27am by stultzie


A Spanish bar is encouraging clients to insult its staff – and offering free drinks for original or hilarious abuse.

“When you come in after work, you can swear at them and call them bastard or imbecile,” said client Antonio Ossa.

He told state news agency EFE the promotion by the Casa Pocho bar, in the southern town of Cullera near Valencia, seemed like a good idea to him.

Polish-born bar owner Bernard Mariusz said he thought people needed somewhere to release their frustrations at a time of economic crisis, employing the Spanish language’s rich store of earthy obscenities.

“That way they won’t let it out on their family,” he said.


Refreshing, no? I enjoy the idea of receiving complimentary beverages for, “hilarious abuse”. I also like that there is a place where abuse can be what it truly is, and was meant to be; hilarious. I think they could take it further though. Create an abuse-o-meter maybe to stimulate creativity. Something classic like,  ‘fuckhead’  or in poor taste like ‘cum-guzzling-faggot’ could warrant a well drink, accusing the bartender of being the milkman’s bastard child could be rewarded with a specialty cocktail of sorts and if you get them to attack you, and/or quit, I’m thinking top shelf allllllllllllll night. Especially if the attack is physical.

I suppose all of this could prevent the working individual from taking their frustrations out on their loved ones (as the owner speculates it will).

Just might work!

Well,  if your home life can be summed up in the below image, it may be successful.


These drawings sure are great, no?

Popularity: 1%



June 20th, 2009 06:29pm by stultzie


A few days  ago, while checking my facebook stalkerfeed, I became aware of a new trend of abbreviations (or abbrevs as I will henceforth refer to them as). Suddenly everyone had a status that contained some sort of gripe followed by, “FML”. After reflecting VERY briefly on what a FML was, it became fairly obvious that it stood for, ‘Fuck My Life’. I immediately thought, ‘yeah fuck your life, sucks to be fucking simple’. I mean, is it really too difficult to write out in full? Can’t the gripe alone convey that your life is shit?

Just as I had become numb to the overwhelming presence of FMLs another pathetic abbrev began flooding my feeds. This new abbrev, this overwhelming and stupid epidemic, the HBD, made me want to rip someone’s lungs out; sounds like a an STD or some other awesome disease.  ‘Happy BirthDay’ is apparently too difficult for people to deal with typing these days. Like,  let me get this straight, you’re supposed to be a friend… and a phone call is too time consuming? And texting takes too much effort? Don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of  the facebook happy birthday post too, but never will I EVER wish someone a HBD.

Now some of you may be thinking, ‘what does any of this have to do with clouds eating angels’?

Doesn’t have shit to do with it…

I just enjoy the concept.


if you’re a HBD-er, you deserve to  be eaten by clouds too. it’s a fact.

(and now it has everything  to do with it)

C:\Users\Angel of Death\Desktop\itsthebestiveevereaten.gif

Popularity: 5%

the way girls are….

June 20th, 2009 02:36pm by popzikle

Well this is just very cute and sweet, and a great steam bath steam filled with skantily clad wimmenz.  However, the story is way to cute for this site but its a dreary saturday here in the big apple…


Popularity: 1%

Tweets and Twits for 2009-06-20

June 20th, 2009 12:00pm by flipvine

Popularity: 1%


Russian woman on trial for raping 10 men

June 19th, 2009 06:03pm by stultzie


A young Russian woman, a devoted collector of horror films and spiders, is on trial for sedating and raping ten men.

The police were shocked that 32-year-old Valeria K., a quiet good-looking woman from the city of Tambov, was the mysterious rapist who abused ten local men after poisoning them with clonidine, reports.

Valeria, who has already been nicknamed the Black Widow for her love of spiders, would get acquainted with men and invite them to her place.

She gave them drinks with clonidine, which almost immediately sent them to sleep for almost 24 hours.

After that, she undressed her victims and raped them, tightening a rope on their male organs to keep them erect. Waking up in hospital with clonidine poisoning and penis trauma, all the victims could remember was a friendly brunette who gave them drinks.

Finally, local police identified the offender and arrested her.

At present, the police know about ten of Valeria’s victims, although one of them refused to file a complaint against her.

“It was great,” the unnamed man said.

“I like hot women. I only wish she hadn’t use the clonidine on me.”

Earlier today in my pink light brothel post, I  scoffed at the concept of women forcing sex upon men. Assuming you are too lazy to read  this brief and ridiculous article, I’d like you to take the time to at least read the last two sentences. Even after being drugged and having trauma inflicted upon his penis, this man thought it was, “great”.

I rest my case.

Popularity: 1%