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Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category


What happens in dark corners, stays in dark corners

September 13th, 2010 04:33pm by flipvine


Can’t take credit for this one, read it in Maxim and liked it so much I had to share it:

A man comes out of a bar and hears a woman call from a dark area in the parking lot: “Twenty dollars.” Feeling frisky, he goes for it.

A little while into getting his groove on, a policeman pulls in and shines his patrol car headlights right on the two humping away. The cop yells, “Hey! What are you doing?”

The man yells back, “Having sex with my wife!”

The policeman says, “Sorry, I didn’t know!”

The man replies, “Neither did I till you turned on your headlights.”

Popularity: 12%

Trucker’s Delight music video – animated perfection

January 17th, 2010 05:21pm by flipvine

What a music video, definitely in my top 10 music videos of all time, where on your list is it?

FLAIRS – TRUCKERS DELIGHT from 3rd Side Records on Vimeo.

Popularity: 4%

ass munch… but I don’t bite!

November 24th, 2009 04:35pm by stikkemmup

I am hungy mmmmmm…


Popularity: 3%

No comment not even going there…

November 24th, 2009 03:59pm by stikkemmup

“gravity is a bitch”

Popularity: 3%


Who said dogs do it any different than we do?

November 24th, 2009 03:51pm by stikkemmup

Terriers do it too…

Popularity: 3%