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Archive for the ‘Advertising Campaigns’ Category

Are you a little behind?

July 1st, 2009 12:03am by flipvine

are-you-a-little-behindHmm.. are you a little behind? Ahaha.. good one, good one.

Honestly, that is such a multi-faceted ad, I can see credit card settlement companies using it to subliminally get clickthroughs from customers who are a little behind.. on their credit cards.

Once I clicked through this ad, I was on the hunt – I had to find funny before-and-after pictures to make into motivational posters.  Here are some for you to admire:


Popularity: 1%

McDonalds and Burgers – unnerving expose into the underbelly of America

June 30th, 2009 07:47pm by flipvine

fatkid-mcdonaldsmichelin-manLets face it, America is a nation of excess.  Take a look at the kid on the right over here.  He’s gonna grow up to be the Michelin Man, but right now he’s eating at McDonalds!

In any case, I’ll save the monologue for when I have a show just like Steve Colbert – but for now read on for an unnerving expose into the dark underbelly of America, our addiction to McDonalds and BURGERS!


Popularity: 2%

BMW vs. Audi chess billboards

June 28th, 2009 11:00pm by flipvine

Sorry to give it away in the title of the post, but this is either incredibly coincidental, or absolutely genius.

A4, get it? Blah, kudos to BMW of Santa Monica on this one ;)

A4, get it? Blah, kudos to BMW of Santa Monica on this one ;)

Popularity: 86%

Saatchi & Sattchi Ad Campaign

June 17th, 2009 09:47pm by popzikle

saatchi_barsaatchi_poolsaatchi_beachLook closer… great award winning campaign for the 18-30 set… for a travel org.

Popularity: 1%