Curt Cobain takes a stage dive one night during an early Nirvana performance. The bouncer keeps an eye on him as the audience begins to swallow him up. I would imagine deciding how long to let your performer crowd surf is a tricky art. Anyhow, the bouncer decides it’s time for Kurt to come back to the stage, and is yanking at his arms, legs and hair. It’s unclear whether Curt realized it was the bouncer or not, but he turns around and clearly starts hammering away at the bouncers head with the butt of his guiter.
Curt definitely was a lose cannon, and class is definitely not a word I would to describe him, but I’d like to think that in this case Curt had more class than to play lumberjack with the bouncers head.
As a followup to our McDonalds and Burgers – unnerving expose into the underbelly of America post we’ve decided to further investigate the culture, traditions and rituals of burger-lovers. Today we touch upon an especially troubling ritual that has come to bear the name “McGangBang“. It was first brought to our attention by the burger historians at Eat Me Daily, who have chronicled the evolution of the McGangBang from its prehistoric roots (May 26, 2006) to present times – feel free to read through it and do your own research, as the topic is not only fascinating. But beware, just reading about it could clog your arteries and possibly cause nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, heart-burn, vomitting, headaches, lack of sex-drive, weight-gain – and may even cause tooth decay!!
If you’re still not afraid, read on for the glorious, gory details: (more…)