vagina near armpit - shave it all in one shot

Belly-button lint anyone?

For her sake, I hope that's bodypaint and not tattoos - when she gets old those dogs will sag / droop in a bad way
Popularity: 52%
Tags: body paint, sexy, tattoo, weird
vagina near armpit - shave it all in one shot
Belly-button lint anyone?
For her sake, I hope that's bodypaint and not tattoos - when she gets old those dogs will sag / droop in a bad way
Popularity: 52%
Tags: body paint, sexy, tattoo, weird
I love tattoos and don’t for a minute regret having any of them, I’m currently getting a angel tattoo done down my right arm can’t wait to get it all done! as can only afford shortsittings at a time. My artist is extremly good and also extremly expensive but, he’s worth it! Great site btw