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Archive for June, 2009


…but can you ride this bike with no handlebars?

June 19th, 2009 03:40pm by stultzie

babe1076 There’s a lot about this bike that just doesn’t add up. I’m not even concerned about the absence of   handlebars, really; I mean, where the hell are the pedals? After trying to visualize how one could even attempt to ride such a contraption, I’ve come to the conclusion that an item like this is solely meant to be groped, molested and humped at high speeds.

Popularity: 1%


Amsterdam’s first “pink light” brothel

June 19th, 2009 03:01pm by stultzie

Bruno opens Amsterdam pink light brothel

“For too long, guys coming here from around the world have been forced to have sex with women…”

Forced, of course.

Love it.

Popularity: 7%


Twitter Bath Death

June 19th, 2009 03:00pm by flipvine

Deadly Twitter accident.  Has this kind of thing happened before?

A teenage girl was electrocuted after dropping her laptop into the bath as she twittered in the tub.

Police said they believed Maria Barbu, 17, had tried to plug in her laptop with wet hands after the battery died during a long session on social networking site Twitter as she took a soak at her home in Brasov, central Romania.

She was found dead by her parents with the laptop lying next to her.

Twitter Bath DeathRemember how about a month ago we had just 1 Swine Flu fatality?  Well, if this unfortunate Twitter death happened before that first Swine Flu death – then we could’ve claimed that Twitter is deadlier than Swine Flu!

I wonder if there’s any way to measure how much time people are spending burning time away on Twitter vs. how much time people take off to get over the Swine Flu? ;)

Oh, and another thing I’m wondering – and this is a little bit morbid, where did the author of the original article at the Austrian Times get that picture of the girl in bathtub with a laptop?  I certainly hope its not the profile picture of the actual girl that died. Or what would be even more morbid is if it was a picture she put on twitpic during the mentioned “long session on Twitter”.

Popularity: 34%


dumb umbrella twat

June 18th, 2009 07:33pm by stultzie
Protective Umbrella

I don’t even know this woman but I hate her.

Popularity: 1%

Tweets and Twits for 2009-06-18

June 18th, 2009 12:00pm by flipvine
  • RT @wrekehavoc @alizasherman: Seen in NYC: Boy: I can't live without you. Girl: Then why aren't you dead yet? #funny #
  • RT @jimmyfallon @garyvee Shout out to the people at Lucky Strike tonight! <– right around the corner from me, hope all had a good time! #
  • RT @recnamorcen Impotence: Nature's way of saying "No hard feelings". #oneliner #
  • @dejanaykeyera cologne smells better to you cause cologne is meant to attract girls ;) in reply to dejanaykeyera #
  • RT @funnyoneliners Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. R.A.Heinlein (@ComfyPaws) #

Popularity: 1%